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Is Your Staff Phish-Prone

It has been proven that over 90% of phishing emails today contain some form of ransomware. The very front line protection from phishing and ransomware starts with staff training. KnowBe4 offers a great free resource where you can test how phish-prone your staff is (up to 100 users). You will be surprised (or maybe not) how many of your users fall for phish bait.

Aside from staff training, DNS filtering offers one of the most effective mitigation tactics to Phishing threats. ScoutDNS tracks several hundred thousand phishing/malware URLs and adds over 1000 new badware URLs every day. Combined with client software protection and your firewall, ScoutDNS adds an important layer to complete your total security shield.

ScoutDNS provides content filtering for over 22 Billion URLs, along with network wide Safe Search and YouTube Safe Modes with G Suite Support. Be sure to take advantage of the free 14 day trial.

Get your free trial today!

More To Explore

ScoutDNS G2 Spring 24′ Awards

I am pleased to share that G2 has released their Spring 2024 awards for DNS Security products and as a result ScoutDNS has earned 12

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New FLEX Seat Pricing for MSPs

One of our core values is to make everything easier. Easier to setup, easier to manage, easier to protect, and easier to do business with.

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